Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers are the words or phrases that help to organize conversations. Here is a list of some common discourse markers and their functions :… Read More »Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers are the words or phrases that help to organize conversations. Here is a list of some common discourse markers and their functions :… Read More »Discourse Markers
English as an International language plays many important roles in connecting people for different purposes.Some of these are given below : 1.Communication2. Business and trade3.Education4.Travel5.Science… Read More »Function of English as an international Language
Cultures and languages are both interconnected to each other and play an important role in shaping societies. Cultural variations: Cultures are different in the values,… Read More »Cultural variations along with the Language :
Language is made of many components that work together to form a communication.These components include the following : Phonetics: Phonetics is defined as the component… Read More »Components of language
Vocal language: Vocal language is defined as the language use by the spoken words and sounds (phones) to communicate. It is the most common form… Read More »Comparison of Vocal Language with Sign Language